NECO Literature In English Past Question And Answer

The National Examination Council (NECO) plays a vital role in conducting exams for students in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria. One of the key exams administered by NECO is the Literature in English exam, which holds significant importance for students aiming to secure university admissions. To excel in this exam, utilizing past questions and answers can prove immensely beneficial. This comprehensive guide delves into the advantages of using past questions, methods to find and utilize them, and provides valuable tips for effectively tackling NECO Literature in English questions.

Benefits of Using Past Questions:

Employing past questions for the NECO Literature in English exam offers several advantages. Firstly, it aids in familiarizing oneself with the exam’s format, encompassing question types, difficulty levels, and time constraints. Secondly, past questions facilitate self-assessment by highlighting strengths and weaknesses, helping students pinpoint areas requiring further improvement. Lastly, practicing past questions under timed conditions helps students acclimate to the exam’s time-sensitive nature.

How to Find and Utilize Past Questions:

Locating NECO Literature in English past questions can be achieved through multiple avenues. Online retailers offer these resources for purchase, while the NECO website provides free access to them. Once acquired, past questions can be utilized in various ways. Students may opt for straightforward review of questions and answers, or they can craft practice tests mimicking the actual exam environment. To simulate the exam effectively, adhering to time limits and answering questions in the prescribed sequence is recommended.

Tips for Answering NECO Literature in English Questions:

  1. Thoroughly read and comprehend the question before attempting an answer.
  2. Identify key terms within the question to grasp its essence.
  3. Explore diverse approaches to answering the question.
  4. Apply literary knowledge to formulate a well-informed response.
  5. Address all components of the question in your answer.

Sample Objective Questions:

  1. “Life is an empty dream” illustrates the literary device of:
    • A. Synecdoche
    • B. Peripeteia
    • C. Litotes
    • D. Allusion
  2. The term used for resolving plot complications at a literary work’s conclusion is:
    • A. Climax
    • B. Denouement
    • C. Conflict
    • D. Tension
  3. Among the given options, the odd item is:
    • A. Elegy
    • B. Ballad
    • C. Metaphor
    • D. Ode
  4. The conveyance of a water’s feelings and attitudes is achieved through:
    • A. Mood
    • B. Style
    • C. Theme
    • D. Setting
  5. A story about an author’s own life is termed a/an:
    • A. Biography
    • B. Essay
    • C. Diary
    • D. Autobiography

Unseen Prose and Poetry Analysis:

Text: His mind wandered back to memory lane, reminiscing how time entered subtly, akin to a nocturnal thief. It unsheathed a sword, plunging it into the heart of the land. Recollections of hard-earned sweat drained away amidst turmoil. His wife and two cherished children met pitiless fates at the hands of khaki-clad beasts. His sole sister, a fragile rose, suffered violation followed by a lamb-like sacrifice upon an altar.

  1. The mood evoked by the passage is primarily one of:
    • A. Gloom
    • B. Serenity
    • C. Anxiety
    • D. Indifference
  2. The passage revolves around:
    • A. Armed robbery
    • B. Ritual killing
    • C. The tragedy of war
    • D. The tragedy of oppression
  3. The dominant literary device employed in the passage is:
    • A. Metaphor
    • B. Repetition
    • C. Simile
    • D. Personification
  4. The phrase “a tender rose” exemplifies a/an:
    • A. Personification
    • B. Imagery
    • C. Symbolism
    • D. Metaphor
  5. The expression “put a sword in the heart of the land” conveys:
    • A. Murder
    • B. Danger
    • C. Strife
    • D. Destruction

FAQ: Q1: Where can I access NECO Literature in English past questions?

Ans: You can obtain NECO Literature in English past questions for free on the official NECO website or purchase them from online retailers.

Q2: How many past questions should I use for preparation?

Ans: The quantity of past questions varies based on individual preferences. Utilizing multiple sets helps grasp the exam’s format and question types.

Q3: What’s the recommended approach to utilizing past questions?

Ans: Past questions can be reviewed or turned into practice tests to simulate the exam environment. Creating timed tests following the actual sequence enhances exam readiness.


Preparing for the NECO Literature in English exam demands a strategic approach. Harnessing the advantages of past questions, understanding literary genres, and practicing under timed conditions contribute to exam success. By following these guidelines and engaging with the provided sample questions, students can enhance their readiness and confidence, positioning themselves for a triumphant performance in the NECO Literature in English exam.