Junior Secondary School Subjects in Nigeria (JSS1, JSS2 & JSS3)

When it comes to your child’s education, knowing what subjects they’ll be studying is essential. In Nigerian schools, the Junior Secondary School (JS) curriculum is designed to provide a well-rounded education that lays the foundation for further learning. While the subject names remain consistent across JS1, JS2, and JS3, the depth of discussions and topics covered may vary. Let’s explore the subjects your child can expect to encounter during these years and what you should anticipate from their studies.

Core Subjects:

  1. English Language: English serves as the primary language of instruction and communication. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, laying the groundwork for effective communication.
  2. Mathematics: General Mathematics introduces students to fundamental mathematical concepts, problem-solving techniques, and critical thinking skills.
  3. Civic Education (Basic): Civic Education instills values of good citizenship, ethics, and social responsibility. Students learn about their rights, duties, and how to contribute positively to society.
  4. Social Studies: Social Studies offers insights into society, culture, and the world around us. It covers various disciplines like history, geography, economics, and politics.
  5. Basic Science: Basic Science introduces students to scientific concepts and the natural world. Topics may include biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental studies.
  6. Basic Technology: Basic Technology exposes students to practical skills and technological concepts, fostering creativity and problem-solving abilities.
  7. Christian Religious Studies and Islamic Studies: These subjects provide an understanding of religious beliefs, values, and practices, promoting tolerance and respect for diverse cultures.
  8. Cultural and Creative Arts: Cultural and Creative Arts explore artistic expression through visual arts, music, dance, and drama, nurturing creativity and cultural appreciation.

Additional Subjects:

  1. Agriculture: Agriculture introduces students to farming techniques, food production, and environmental sustainability.
  2. Business Studies and Entrepreneurship: Business Studies and Entrepreneurship lay the foundation for business and economic understanding, preparing students for future endeavors.
  3. Home Economics: Home Economics teaches practical life skills, including cooking, sewing, and managing household finances.
  4. Languages (Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Arabic, French): Language subjects enhance linguistic skills and cultural awareness, enabling students to communicate in different languages.
  5. Information Technology (IT): IT equips students with computer literacy and digital skills crucial for today’s interconnected world.
  6. Physical & Health Education: Physical & Health Education promotes physical activity, sportsmanship, and a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Security Education: Security Education educates students about personal safety, community security, and disaster preparedness.


As a parent or guardian, understanding the subjects your child will study in Junior Secondary School is vital for their academic journey. While the subject names remain consistent, each year brings new topics and deeper discussions, fostering well-rounded knowledge and skills. Encourage your child to engage actively in their studies, explore their interests, and seek assistance when needed. By staying informed and involved, you can support your child’s growth and development throughout their Junior Secondary School years.